Thursday, November 8, 2007

Otsuka Ai - Kumuri Uta - Bass Tab

Well,.. hello,.. I'm in a very good mod right now and finally finish writing Outsuka Ai - Kumuri Uta bass tab.

Honestly there are few notes that hard to catch by my ears,.. maybe my Creative 5.1 speaker is not good for listening bass, but sure it's good for movie or music... hehe.. well next time I'll use my Philips headset instead.. cheap stuff but got crystal clear and sharp bass sound. Too bad, I left it in my office, maybe I'll wirte Otsuka Ai - Heart using it.

Also you'll find I split 4/4 into 2-1-1 it's because it takes to long and it will be truncated if I write it in one line. And almost in every Otsuka Ai song, there are few 4/5. I also separate it here, it's the [5th of 4/5]. Well I'm not graudated from musical school so, please forgive me if my style of writing tabs is weird.. ^^
But I can guarantee you that I do my best here. Even though I can hardly reads musical score, I play piano fairly, I play gutar better, I play bass best, and intermediate on drum; If I sing, you can't tell the difference of my voice and Bryan Adams,.. hahaha.. Imagine if there were five of me, then I could form a band of myself.. More importantly, I understand and can write bass tabs..

Without further ado and further nonsense of mine, and particularly nothing is so special to talk about for my-today anyway,.. lets go to the bass tabs..

please Enjoy!

Otsuka Ai - Kumuri Uta

78 4/4

wait 92x no bass,

5th of 4/5
T *====*====*====*====|
G --------------------|
D --------------------|
A --------------------|
E ---------------3s---|







5th of 4/5





5th of 4/5

wait 32x, no bass, it's piano out

-h hammer
-s slide
-p pull


.rpz .sicodoc

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