Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How to order drink in Singapore!!

Ordering Drink in Singapore

first of all, sorry for my english, they're bad and ugly..

I'm so happy today, because I got good news this morning about great job offer.. So I decided to go lunch and eat there, not take away the food like I always did.

So I ordered the food, it's quite easy because most of the food stall's staff knows English well. And if they dont, you can just simply point the picture, or the food itself... so food was done.

I planned not to order drink, but when I was about to eat, there's one person from drink stall came to me and asked me something in Mandarin that I dont understand.. well I dont understand Mandarin at all except for something so basic like:
1) sie sie (thanks)
2) pai pai (not really mandarin I think, maybe just some cutelization in mandanglish* of bye bye)
3) pao (or at least it sounds like that, means ordering a take away food instead of eating there)
4) cia (or at least something sounds like that, means eating instead of take away)
5) cc, kk, siu siu, su, etc..

and maybe few more, but not many.

So I was confused, I dont know what was that old granpa talking about(yep, a very Clint Eastwood from East, Chinese version of him laa). But thanks to my great surveillance sense, I was able to guess that he's offering a drink. So I said, Tea (pronounced: tea), but sadly the old granpa looks confused and a bit annoyed, so I quickly said Teh (pronounced: teh). Still the same, nothing happened, the granpa still wearing "that" face.. Thankfully he said something and I was saying yes to whatever it is..

It's like when you code a Web Application and your protocol didnt match.. it's all about language.

Thankfully the "yes sir whatever" done great, and the granpa gone back to the drink stall and I continue my lunch. After a quite while, the granpa came with a glass of I-dunno-what and asking me for a dollar. So Easy!!, that's what I thought.

Then I quickly get a 5 dollar from my wallet and give it to him. He return a 4 dollars in two 2 dollars paper (not plastic). It's allright I think, money is not considered as a commodity until it sold as a foreign exchange. You know that 100 dollars paper in mint condition is valued as 100 dollars but another 100 dollars paper in less of that condition is valued much less than 100 dollars. So no prob.

The drink itself, is a orange something with ice and a straw, if you're expecting the other "tea" then it is not that easy I like I thought. The drink is a bit suspicious, but the hell with that, they wont sell a poisonous drink on a public place, right? Left! So I take a quick sip and tadaa.. it was a some kinda Sweet Tea Milk. Well not bad I think, it's drinkable..

So after that lunch I came back at the flat and told my friend about that. They laugh at me, no really surprise there, I knew they would. Then they teach me about how to order drinks.

Let me share it here:
1. If you say Tea or Teh, they give you Sweet Milk Tea
2. If you say Coffee or Kopi, they give you Sweet Milk Coffee

so this far it's the formula is X = X + Sweet + Milk

3. If you say Teh O (yep, pronounced: "te o"), they give you Sweet Tea
4. If you say Coffee O( "kofe o"), they give you Sweet Coffee

the formula is X O = Sweet X

5. If you say Tea O Kosong, (kosong as in Indonesian or Malaysian), they give you just Tea, without milk and sugar
6. If you say Coffee O Kosong, same as above, they give you just Coffee without milk and sugar, or Black Coffee.. like this

formula is X O Kosong = X

7. If you want a Cold tea or coffee, just add "Peng" in all above (pronounced: "peng")

if you said Teh Peng, then you'll have the same drink that I had. A sweet iced milk tea.
Coffee O Peng = Sweet Iced coffee

My friend have no idea about "Coffee O Peng Kosong" or "Coffee O Kosong Peng"
Go ahead try and let me know, okay..

for that one I think I would say Coffee O Kosong, Cold.. Slight stop before Cold or Peng might tell the drink seller about the whole idea.

8. If you want your drink to be sweet but not to sweet, you can add Siew Dai (pron:"Siu Tai")
I think Siew mean less.. but that's it..

9. I still searching what to say if I want my coffee not too black. But for the opposite, if you want it to be very black, you can add Gao (pron: "kao"). You can even double it, Gao gao ("kao kao")

So that's it.. enjoy Singapore!!...

Cutelization in Mandanglish

What I mean by Cutelization in Mandanglish is exactly cutelization in mandanglish. Mandanglish is simply MandarinEnglish, an english in mandarin. So the whole idea is English word being cutely pronounced in Mandarin accent. So you say it like a little girl from some anime that might actually learn English say it. Bye -> Pai. Can you imagine that?? Good!

It's might not suit you if you're male with strong masculine face, beard and mustache, thick eyebrow and horrifying gaze and your body muscle is built like a brick stack. Just like me, it doesnt suit my "profile". Try Liam Neeson's or Mickey Rourke's or Jason Statham accent, it suits us people who wear angry Wolverine face all the time, even when we're smiling.

But if you're female, (I think it's safe for all kind of female to do this Cutielization in Mandanglish), or you a pretty boy, beautiful boy, you know those males that have porcelain face like girl or even cutier, then doing this Cutelization in Mandanglish is okay for you guys..

Ups!! .., no hate here ladies and pretty gentleman.. no gender bias, no male segregation offense,..
no any kind of offense, okay?!..

it's all love here..


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Something to do..

So I've been in Singapore for almost a month looking for a job. Like all you out there already guess, yep I was quit from the previous company. Eventhough, the boss didn't technically fired me, but I knew that the moment is right to move on. So here I'am moving to Singapore, another city, another country and definitely another job.

Let's hope for the best here.. I really need a job to start living here..

Having nothing to do actually is not my kind of things. I cant play decent music coz I didnt have my dear guitar and Ibanez bass with me. I cant draw coz I left the Intuos graphic pad at home. And so does gaming. With this old laptop here, I almost have limited options.

Well at least I can run Google Chrome to browse for jobs, and running open office to edit my resume, cv, and cover letter.

So if you read my last post about Travel Mate 290, yep that old acer laptop is what I have right now. The main problem is that the memory is only 256 Mb and shared with graphic card made it less than 24o Mb. Actually my friend laugh to the fact that his iPhone have more memory than this old laptop. Say goodbye to heavy graphic games and my painting software. All I have here is only Youtube, G4 TV, and Class 95.

Once or twice I really miss my tower PC with dual or quad core (I forgot) and Nvidia GTX 9800. There's a lot things I could do with that if it's here. I remember I told my friend about this and she told me to play Facebook games for killing time. But really man, facebook games?? naaah.. The game might be good but I think I simply need great graphics, great gameplay, storyline, challenges, and also decent sound system. Hmm now I miss my 9.1 speaker system.

But that is it. There's no point to be sorry about it. What I need right now is a job.

So, what's happened when I'm sick of youtube, or when G4 TV is lagging like hell, or simply dont want to listen to Class 95? Here's the surprise.. tadaaaa...


yep ladies and gentlemen.. I'm back at writing novel.. and even greater this time, I'm not just write, but I'm learning about writing technique.. I kinda amazed with all this new thing I learned recently. Things I should know long ago I think. Now I realized I've been into blocking because I simply write my story in a ineffective ways.

So I'm learning about this Snowflake method and some technical aspect on writing like Scene and Sequel, MRUs,.. etc.. I must admit, Google is really helpful when it comes to learning just random thing on internet.

Apart from learning the writing technique, I also using a writing software, yWriter, to help me write properly.. I cannot write much about this software. But, lots of people out there gave a good testimonial about this software..

So just you all wait for the result.. If my swing mood is not too bad, I might coming up with nice story out of this.. hehe..

So now I got Writing on my activity list. Great isn't it? At least I got another thing to do when I got nothing to do..

Next is.... guess what.. If I'm not on Youtube, G4 TV and Class 95 AND not writing.. guess what I'd do..

Cooking..?? nope
Random browsing..?? nope
Sleeping..? Sounds nice but naah.. I sleep a lot.. more sleeping should be avoided..

the correct answer is.. "I'm learning.. "

And guess what is I'm learning about..

FILM MAKING...!! Yeah..!!! I'm really excited about this one.. yes I really am..!!

I'm learning about film making... ^^
All those, Shooting technique, coloring, until creating effects and some freaking 3D technique..

Just you wait... JUST YOU WAIT for my I-hope-it-will-be-great film!!

some useful links:
film making special effects tutorial -


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blue Screen ndis.sys w22n51.sys Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG

For those who spent hours to solve this Blue Screen of death..

Yesterday I spent like 8 hours or more to find out why my sick old laptop crash when I turn on the wireless radio switch..

The problem is: w22n51.sys

Even tough at first it said ndis.sys, but when I turned all services off the BSOD still happens and said w22n51.sys instead.

Many people couldnt solve this because everywhere on the internet they share the old buggy driver, even on the laptop manufacturer website (mine is acer)..

Intel have fixed this bug on 2009, and post the driver on their website.. So if you have same problem with mine, just go to intel websites and search for new driver for this Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG and try it..

For me it solved my problem, no more bsod when I turned on the wireless device..

- many ndis.sys BSOD is simply solved by switching hardware slots (mostly memory)
- many ndis.sys BSOD is actually a different driver problem, so try turn off all windows services and see if the BSOD still happens and caused by other thing.
- turned off all services is done from msconfig (start->run->msconfig), on services tab click disable all services

good luck

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Chords for Maaya Sakamoto (坂本真綾) - DIVE

One of my super talented friend, a composer, he post a youtube link on facebook. It's Maaya Sakamoto's song called DIVE.. go check it out at this is a very nice song.. most people will love it I think,..

Here's my version of chord, a bit simple but playable I think. There's a lot of split code because I was learning the bass line before checking the chord, but trust me the slash chord make it sound nicer:

Maaya Sakamoto (坂本真綾) - DIVE

written at

part 1

C# C#sus4 (2x)

C# C#/C A#m7 G#m

BMaj7 A#m7 F#Dim7

Fm7 A#m7 D#m G#

part 2

C# C#sus4 2x

C# C#/C A#m7 G#m

BMaj7 A#m7 F#Dim7

C#/F D#/G G#7


C# BMaj7

A#7sus4 - A#7 AMaj7 C#/G#

C#sus4/G C#/G# G#7

C# BMaj7

A#7sus4 - A#7 AMaj7 C# /G#

D#/G F# G#7 C#


AMaj7 BMaj7 2x

C# C#sus4

part 2

C# C#sus4 2x

C# C#/C A#m7 G#m

BMaj7 A#m7 F#Dim7

C#/F D#/G G#7

Reff 2

C# BMaj7

A#7sus4 - A#7 AMaj7 C# /G#

C#sus4/G C#/G# G#7

C# BMaj7

A#7sus4 - A#7 AMaj7 C#/G#

D#/G F# G#7 A#m D#

F# G#7 C#

PS: Please note that split chord meaning you play the chord on another root, for example: D#/G, it means you play D# chord with G root (bass)



1 = index finger

2 = middle finger
3 = ring finger

4 = pinky finger

by .sic.zoc.rpz.peter (2010)

Please let me know if you got better chord for this one..



Thursday, September 2, 2010

Greatest happy b'day ever ?

Last week, precisely at Thursday, I got fired.. Or something like that I think..

You see, I've been struggling building some e-commerce application from zero, well further down I think I started from negative one hundreds if I may describe it with number.. A bit too much maybe but, I admit I never done anything close to that.. So I had a research, draw the plans, design, architecture analysis, database designing etc you name it!.. and while I did all that I was also building the application.. One man army, a familiar picture of IT Industry nowdays as a result of bloodbath price war on last decade..

back to topic.. Now the worse part is my boss, the ape.. He kept pushing and gone angry at me.. He think something like that should be done in 4 days..

Yeah, 4 days my ass!! It was a tiresome effort to explain technically about what I was doing.. It was like explaining how to build a airplane to a prehistoric dumb ape or worse.. Trust me on that!!

For a simple analogy, he knows that I've build a bicycle, with pedal, wheel and steer etc.. and now he wants me to build an airplane, which is I've never made before.. while I was doing it, that ape kept saying that it takes too long,.. And trust me every time I tried to explain all that aerodynamic thing, Bernoully's Principle, gravity, machinery he just responded with his disappointment, anger, and dumbness that I'd rather not wasting my time to hear..

So that very day he came down and put a meeting and asked me..
"what are our status? 80 percent? 90 percent?", He asked with mockery..
"When will it finished? today? tonight? next week? next month? next year?", okay, he started the war..

I imagine, what would Thomas Alva Edison said when his boss came down and asked him this? What would Graham Bell said?

Well whatever, I tried with all manners to explain it.. I'm a straightforward person when talked about things like this, about things that I really know..

So we had an argument, words after words and suddenly, the ape went BOOM!
Surprised me and everybody else in the room.. yelled at me told me get out.. and that ape even tried to throw some billboard markers at me.. silly..

Well maybe someone at some other company have already successfully build this module, maybe ebay does, mabye Amazon does, but hell everybody knows they hired a group of phd's from standout university there.. but here they have me and only me, a Bachelor from corner of Asia's deepshit that people wont even notice on the map. I think I'm the one who have the most resource about all technology required and related to this project. This ape never gave out training, and all he did is hand me a half page of specification which sounds like "I want some kind a bicycle that can fly across countries". While I must do my own research, pushing my hours more than 12 hours a day, through Saturday and Sunday for three weeks to build that.

So I went to a friend, friends and talked about it.. I gave it a lot of thought.. And finally I realized that all just shits there.. no career, no raise, no bonus, no reward and no respect..

I thank God for all this lesson.. He really knows how to say "Happy Birthday!".. lol
